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Browse through our FAQs to find answers to commonly raised questions

Do we have to use a Greenland Homes plan?
No, we welcome you to bring your already designed plans to us, just as long as these are not the intellectual property of another building company.
What costs have to be considered when I'm thinking about building?
There are generally three key costs to a new home build: Land, Dwelling Construction and External Works. For most people , there may also be Funding Costs to consider.
See our flyer The Building Blocks of a House Build for more information.
What ways are there to fund my new home build?
Buying a site and later building on that site with a Construction Loan is a popular way to buy a new property. This is often called a Staged (Progress) Payment Build and involves a series of payments as the home construction is underway. You purchase the land and with this as equity, use your own funds or borrow funds to complete the build.
Another popular option is a Home and Land Package (also called a ‘Turnkey’) which can be a less complicated option and allows you to make a small deposit, usually around 10%, and then pay nothing more until build completion and you receive the ‘key’. This type of build, whilst more expensive, can work for some folk as it does not impact on your overall borrowing ability and tends to reduce financial pressure if you currently rent or have an existing mortgage.
Please refer to our Ways to Build a Home with Greenland Flyer for more information.
What is the square metre rate to build with Greenland Homes?
While size is an obvious factor, what is often not understood is the relationship between size and fixed costs.
Our Key Construction Cost Drivers flyer explains this and other aspects affecting the cost of a home build other than just the square metres.
Greenland Homes have a standard 2.55m high ceiling. What other ceiling types are there?
Greenland Homes includes an over-height 2.55m high ceiling in all our homes (the industry standard is just 2.4m) and this creates an airy, open feel to all spaces.
Also included are 2.2m high internal doors including wardrobes and stores (standard is 2m). A very real benefit of the higher stud height is that all exterior windows and doors are also higher than normal, so allow for more light and sun to enter the home which again contributes tot he spacious feel.
Plans will generally show a flat ceiling with some exceptions such as boxed, scissor truss, raking mono or a cathedral ceiling noted as a feature. To find out more about ceiling heights and types see our Internal Ceiling Height and Detail Flyer.